ANNOUNCING: Casting Visions

OK OK OK. Peloton, Netflix, ETH. It’s a bloodbath and we get it. But we kinda knew it was coming, right? Even my monkey jpeg accountant told me to buy it for the art and not for the speculative investment opportunity.
So this week let’s think a little ways out into a future when things don’t feel so bleak.
Today we’re announcing our next initiative: CASTING VISIONS.
Beginning next week, and for the next 12 weeks, we will be partnering with our friends and members of our audience to build our next major consumer research report LIVE and IN PUBLIC.
While many say they’re building in public, many critical pieces of the journey go overlooked. We will be developing the research, the interviews, the surveys, even THE BRAND all live for the world to see. During the next twelve weeks, we’ll partner with you, our Future Commerce audience, to build a multimedia experience that will divine the future of retail, eCom, and DTC for the next decade. The future isn’t built by the meek. It’s built by the risk-takers.
We’ll debut next week on Twitch, and syndicate to podcast, Youtube, and Twitter. REPLY to this email if you want to be notified when we go live next Tuesday. You can also subscribe to our Twitch stream below.

— Phillip

We finally let Let it Go, go. From now on, “We Don’t Talk About Bruno.” That’s the title of the new song that surpassed the Frozen favorite (which we all heard way too many times). Disney’s Encanto soundtrack features the new hit, and it’s Disney’s biggest animated tune hit in 26 years. Lin-Manuel Miranda should be very proud.
Augmented Reality Wayfinding. Marks and Spencer debuts an AR shopping app that helps users quickly find their shopping list items on aisles and shelves.

From digital books to physical dressing rooms.Amazon Style, a physical apparel store, is set to launch in Glendale, CA, this year and intended to be a “high tech shopping experience.” Hoping to attract a wide variety of customers, styles will range from $10 basics to $400 not-so-basics.

The hot one—you know, the Green one. M&M personas are officially becoming more inclusive and twitter is asking why they can’t be hotter. Rolling Stone gave a voice to those cries with a piece titled “Let the Green M&M Be a Nasty Little Slut,” saying the move is “slut shaming.” Enjoy their take on the Green M&M having to trade in her go-go boots for “Larry David” sneakers.
The New Dada / My Bologna has a face mask. Oscar Mayer listed bologna-inspired facial sheet masks for sale on Amazon—a decision based on the memory of how we all used to bite holes in bologna as kids and hold it up to our faces. Well I guess we all really liked that, because they are already sold out.
Before clicking the link, be warned: the product images are really unappetizing and mildly terrifying.

Storage Problems. While some products and companies are still experiencing shortages, Peloton is having very different supply issues. Sales have slowed so much that the company may be halting production of their machines (something the CEO denied on Twitter). Now, they have warehouses filled with cycles and treadmills with nowhere to go and need to bring their inventory levels back into balance.