Generation F: The Economics of Focus and Distraction

Generation F - The Focus Generation - will be brought about by new economic policy in China that will shape Commerce throughout the world for the next generation.
For a quick recap, President Xi Jingping has been quite busy over the past year. Jack Ma, founder of Alibaba, went missing for some time from the public eye following State regulators putting a stop to the IPO of ANT Group. Had the deal gone forward, it would have been the largest public IPO to date, valued at $37B.
But the crackdown on Chinese tech companies didn’t end there. Since November’s rout of ANT Group, China is systematically dismantling parts of its economy, bringing greater control back into the power of regulators and State oversight. These include:
- Regulators limited online gaming to just 3 hours per week for adolescents under 18 years old, calling games “spiritual opium”.
- They limited the use of Chinese Tiktok Competitor, Douyin, to just 40 minutes per day for children 14 and under.
- This month, China banned for-profit tutors from conducting online classes.
- This past week it has outlawed Bitcoin, and all other cryptocurrencies; as well as limited operating hours for industries to as little as eight hours per day, or in some extreme cases just one day per week.
Commerce, education payments, entertainment, and industry. What the Chinese Communist Party has done is wrest back control and focus of their populace. And that populace is aging. By 2050, 40% of its citizens will be of retirement age. This explains recent reversals on the One Child policy, and crackdowns on doctor-performed abortion.
Contrast these policies with those of the West. Digital addiction is on the rise, as evidenced by a recently leaked internal deck from Instagram, which showed that teens, primarily young girls, with heavy social media usage, namely Instagram, often suffered deleterious effects. This report was made public amid Facebook’s plans to launch child-friendly versions of their popular apps. Those plans have since been shelved.
“Everything about China is a measured decision. The politburo, the decision-makers, aren’t randomly shooting from the hip based on intuition saying ‘we should ban video games for children’... there’s clearly data to support this decision” said Jason Friedberg on a recent episode of the All-In Podcast.
This generation will grow up with digital blinders, behind the great Chinese Firewall. Meanwhile, the rest of the world wrestles with China’s distraction exports (namely Zoom and Tiktok). With supply-side shortages coming due to the energy crackdown, the West will have less to buy up of Chinese exports, which might lead to more digital addiction. Commerce companies race to replicate the commerce models of Asia, including live video streaming and chat-enabled concierge services.
In eCom, as Asia goes, so goes the rest of the world. This kind of sympathetic influence, how the West influences China and vice-versa, will impact digital commerce and consumers over the next decade. The result? Generation F, the Focus generation. That generation will live in China, and China alone.
Read more on Asian shopping trends in Vision 2021.
— Phillip

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Editor’s note: Mirakl has impressive street cred, but also sport a series of aged case studies (aka Jcrew) and at least one failed implementation in Albertsons. We covered Albertson’s very public rollback of Mirakl + Magento in our recent feature from Groceryshop.
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