Poop or Chocolate?

Cyborg sounds. Dyson’s newest product isn’t an even fancier vacuum. According to Masable, it’s headphones that “connect to a cyborg-mask-like air purifier.” Who is going to be the first to tell them that it's a neat idea in theory but not really a cool look anyone wants to wear?
Iced buns. Google employees really seem to have it rough lately. And to add to their stress as they return to working in office, they now have to deal with the company taking away their heated toilet seats and bidets after realizing they were out of compliance with California’s state code.
More Sights & Sounds. Visa is launching an NFT program. Walmart is planning to open a state-of-the-art net zero store in Canada. After eliminating the position in 2018, Etsy has a new COO as of Tuesday. Meanwhile, sellers on the platform are planning a strike in April and asking shoppers to boycott the platform because of a steep increase in seller transaction fees. In Q2 Macy’s is adding 37 shop-in-shops, despite it not being successful for them so far. Germany and Austria are taking preemptive steps towards rationing gas, in case the stand-off with Russia continues over payment currency type. And surprise—an unintended consequence of AI and machine learning seems to be learning the wrong thing. Also, is this a pic of former presidential candidate Michael Dukakis or an ad for Aime Leon Dore?

Sneaker news. Nike is giving a new meaning to the phrase “New Drop” with a new Air Max promotion. The company dropped free sneakers over New York and LA via drones over the weekend. Meanwhile, New Balance is going against the flow amidst global supply chain issues and opening a new manufacturing facility in Massachusetts.
Russian retaliation. Likely in retaliation against Swiss sanctions, Russia has seized millions of dollars worth of Audemars Piguet watches. Russia, however, has pointed to “customs offences” as the cause of the seizure.

Is that poop or chocolate? Burger King wants customers in Brazil to know that their desserts contain no artificial ingredients. So what better way to get that message across, than to promote it via a Poop Emoji Ice Cream product served from an ice cream truck?

To the moon. American artist Jeff Koons is making plans to display his sculptures on the moon later this year, with the aid of a lunar robot made by Intuitive Machines.
Plastic bag conundrum. Following the ban of plastic bags at supermarkets, some reports are showing an unexpected outcome in a different market—the sale of small sized trash bags. Many households save grocery store plastic bags and give them a second use as liners for small waste baskets. Now, without those stockpiles from grocery shopping, consumers are buying more single-use small-sized trash bags.