of the United Kingdom’s capitol city.
Down the funnel
Push em, shove em
In clicks and bits
To tunnel vision
Addictions of
Zippers and denim
Trips and traps
Always come back
Down the funnel
Scare em, dare em
With clocks and counts
To panic purchase
Searchers bound
To fear the end
The pretended lend
Of a discount friend
Down the funnel,
Bait em, snare em
By dreams and doubts
To ease the day
Pieces of place
That smoldering clay
Ever keep up
Never look ‘way
Down the funnel
Charm em, warm em
Through pics and lives
To high aspire
Looks and peeps
Sundering GOATS
By texting sheep to
Convert all hopes
—Brian Lange
Down the funnel
Push em, shove em
In clicks and bits
To tunnel vision
Addictions of
Zippers and denim
Trips and traps
Always come back
Down the funnel
Scare em, dare em
With clocks and counts
To panic purchase
Searchers bound
To fear the end
The pretended lend
Of a discount friend
Down the funnel,
Bait em, snare em
By dreams and doubts
To ease the day
Pieces of place
That smoldering clay
Ever keep up
Never look ‘way
Down the funnel
Charm em, warm em
Through pics and lives
To high aspire
Looks and peeps
Sundering GOATS
By texting sheep to
Convert all hopes
—Brian Lange
Down the funnel
Push em, shove em
In clicks and bits
To tunnel vision
Addictions of
Zippers and denim
Trips and traps
Always come back
Down the funnel
Scare em, dare em
With clocks and counts
To panic purchase
Searchers bound
To fear the end
The pretended lend
Of a discount friend
Down the funnel,
Bait em, snare em
By dreams and doubts
To ease the day
Pieces of place
That smoldering clay
Ever keep up
Never look ‘way
Down the funnel
Charm em, warm em
Through pics and lives
To high aspire
Looks and peeps
Sundering GOATS
By texting sheep to
Convert all hopes
—Brian Lange
Down the funnel
Push em, shove em
In clicks and bits
To tunnel vision
Addictions of
Zippers and denim
Trips and traps
Always come back
Down the funnel
Scare em, dare em
With clocks and counts
To panic purchase
Searchers bound
To fear the end
The pretended lend
Of a discount friend
Down the funnel,
Bait em, snare em
By dreams and doubts
To ease the day
Pieces of place
That smoldering clay
Ever keep up
Never look ‘way
Down the funnel
Charm em, warm em
Through pics and lives
To high aspire
Looks and peeps
Sundering GOATS
By texting sheep to
Convert all hopes
—Brian Lange
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